Tue Sando
Tue Sando joined our Level 3 Diploma as a complete beginner in September 2021, before progressing to the 2-year Level 4 Diploma programme, that he will be graduating from in July 2024. Tue is one of many students at K2 Academy who at a later stage in life chose to change their careers and become jewellers, under the tutelage of Kelvin Birk and Katrin Spranger. His work is influenced by modernism and architecture which is reflected in the shapes and forms of his bold jewellery pieces.
Artist’s statement about his work:
I see with my fingertips. As a child I detested shops with ‘Do Not Touch’ signs and often simply disregarded them. I determine what I love based on the object’s tactile qualities. My work always starts with a drawing, and my drawings always start with a bold, slightly bent line which grows from there. Most often my designs has a sense of ‘modernism’ to them. Not from a ‘retro’/‘mid-century’ nostalgic view point. Rather recreating the boldness and the radical belief in our ability to create a better and more beautiful world, as represented by artists and architects from the 30s to the 70s.
My work rarely contains naturalistic representations, but rather stylised shapes and forms as abstractions of animals, landscapes or the build environment around us.
I came to design in my 50s after a long career as a finance lawyer. I had for years yearned for creating physical objects rather than words on paper. Creating objects that need no explanation and do not aim to win arguments - but gently persuade the holder to love them.
My pieces are intended always to whisper: Please touch me…
Follow Tue on Instagram @tueasintuesday.
About the experience at K2 Academy:
Apart from a couple of drawing classes in my early 40s, I had no experience in design or making. I first encountered K2 at Cockpit Studios twice-annual Open Days. From my first meeting with Katrin Spranger and Kelvin Birk, I felt that here was a place where I would be free to think - and most importantly, free to develop a ‘design identity’ (which I didn’t feel I had). Katrin and Kelvin do not disappoint. Both excellent teacher and great inspirators with an insatiable desire for pushing limits, be it in materials, designs or making processes. At the same time, they both have a razor sharp focus on teaching the best traditional goldsmith techniques to realise my design ideas.