K2 Academy of Contemporary Jewellery

Where conceptual approach to jewellery design meets professional technical training

Receive quality training

Our students thrive under the guidance of experienced teachers who provide personalised training tailored to individual needs, made possible by our small class sizes. They nurture artistic development and steer students towards success in the creative industry.

Explore all of our courses

Take a peek inside the classroom, a bright and dynamic studio space brought to life by the creativity of its students and teachers.

Become a part of the community

We foster a supportive community through peer feedback, collaboration, inclusivity and engaging events. From inspiring talks to end-of-term drinks and festive gatherings, our students connect, grow, and thrive together, creating a vibrant network that fuels their jewellery journey.

Experimental approach to jewellery

Next to teaching technical skills to the highest standard, we emphasize the importance of concept development and design exploration. Students are encouraged to push the boundaries of jewellery design. They experiment with unconventional materials, explore innovative techniques, and challenge conventional notions of what jewellery can be.